
Smart Specialisation Strategy (S3) - our approach

The project has been drawing on the principles of Smart Specialisation (S3) which is an approach to regional development adopted in the European Union. It  focuses  on areas of unique strength, fostering innovation and competitiveness by concentrating resources in specific sectors to enhance economic development and sustainability. As the name suggest it is about being ‘smart’, ‘specialised’ and ‘strategic’.

Stage one of the project primarily focused on the first three phases of the process.

Stage two of the project is all about taking innovation opportunities forward through innovation working groups and project teams, recognizing of course that the context in which we work is very dynamic and needs to be revisited to validate opportunities. Stage two is currently scheduled through to Sep 2025.


The future isbrightexcitinginnovativecollaborativein Orbost and district






Place-Based Governance


A Governance Group with strong community representation endorses and maintains oversight of Future of Orbost & District project plans, the activities of a range of innovation working groups, and the development and implementation of a ‘Local Development Strategy’.

The intent is for the Governance Group to represent diversity of skills and experiences, and the interests of the community. A copy of the current Terms of Reference is available here.

Members of the Governance Group are from left: Liz Mitchell (Community), Maurice Hayes (Community), Garry Squires (Orbost & District Chamber of Commerce & Industry - Host Organisation), Dr Chloe Ward (DEECA - Sponsoring Organisation) [non-decision-making), Jason Griebenow (Community), Tabatha Jarman (Community), Stan Weatherall (Community), Prof Leo Goedegebuure (Advisor) [non-decision-making], Heather Macalister (Community), Rene Sundermann (Community), Prue McTaggart (East Gippsland Shire Council), Hayley Sestokas (Community), David Roberts (Regional Development Victoria).

Strategic Advisory and Facilitation firm - C4 Impact - has been engaged to manage the project and facilitate innovation working groups.

Collaboration is at the heart of how we work

Good communications and engagement practices are central to good project/program management and governance and ensuring responsiveness to the needs of stakeholders. Please see our Stakeholder Communications and Engagement Plan here.



Strategy: Setting up our region for a thriving and resilient future

Have a look at our local development Strategy on a Page! It's availabe here.



Logical Framework for Future of Orbost & District Project Design

Please see our project design framework here.



Looking to the future of the Orbost district

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